Episode 2: "Going to 11: Spinal Tap and Spiritual Fundraising" - Pastor Paul Baudhuin
In this episode, we are joined by Paul Baudhuin, Pastor at Aldersgate United Methodist Church in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, recorded at Aldersgate. Find Paul at https://belgianfriar.com and on Twitter at @BelgianFriar and check out Aldersgate at http://www.aldersgatemn.com/.
In this rich episode, we spoke at length about Jesus' teachings on money; personal challenges in budgeting, and a Pastor's role in fiscal stewardship for a church like Aldersgate.
We also talked explicitly about how Aldersgate raises needed funds to sustain the church. It turns out, a key to meeting Aldersgate's budget challenges has been Spinal Tap - Going to 11.
Many of Pastor Baudhuin's lectionary series on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount can be found here on the Aldersgate website, with the June 18, 2017 sermon being the first of the series hosted on the website:
What’s in Pastor Paul's wallet? Listen in and find out!
As always, I welcome your feedback and ideas. Thanks for listening!